

On December 1, 2010, the free parking system known as the green zone came into operation, which regulates parking in the town's commercial center, specifically in Plaça Major, Carrer Comella, Passeig Comte Guifré and the Comte Guifré Avenue.

The aim of this initiative, shared between the Union of Shopkeepers and the Town Council of Sant Joan de les Abadesses, is to achieve greater rotation in the car park in the center of the town in order to boost and energize the trade of the our town This regulation means that from this moment on, in the previously mentioned spaces, which are properly signposted, you can only park for a maximum period of one hour.

The parking time must be indicated and left in a visible place inside the vehicle.

You can get the watch at establishments associated with the Union of Shopkeepers and at the Tourist Office - Palau de l'Abadia.

*If you do not have a watch, it is enough to reflect the parking time on a piece of paper.

The hours established by this parking scheme will be from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 14.00 hours and from 16.00 to 20.00 hours

For more information:
Sant Joan de les Abadesses Town Council - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone - 972 72 01 00



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Agenda biblioteca

Friday 21 de June, 11:00 h
Cloenda exposició "Ecofeminismes augmentats: clima, aigua i dones"

Saturday 22 de June, 11:00 h
Clausura Exposició "Ecofeminismes avançats: clima, aigua i dona"

Tuesday 25 de June, 00:00 h - Tot el dia
Concurs de literatura infantil i juvenil Cler 2024

Wednesday 26 de June, 17:00 h
Tot Sona! Estimulació musical amb Judit Sabaté

Friday 28 de June, 17:00 h
Club lectura infantil: Lily Mitjalluna

Friday 28 de June, 18:00 h
Papasseit canta


Horari / Contacte

Dilluns i dijous
De 10.30 a 14 h
i de 15 h a 19 h.

Dimarts i dimecres i divendres
De 15 a 19 h.

De 10 h a 13 h.


Anna Belén Aviles
T: 972723019
biblioteca [@]