The rules for the XIV Joan Maragall Literary Contest called by the Education Department of the Sant Joan de les Abadesses City Council and the Mestre Andreu School Institute have already been published. As in previous editions, the contest has two sides. On the one hand, the meeting continues to bet on promoting and recognizing writing in Catalan among the students of the Sant Joan school. On the other hand, the adult category is open to anyone over the age of majority and prizes are awarded to works written in Catalan in prose or poetry, on any subject.

In the adult category, only one work may be submitted and participation will only be accepted in one of the two modes—narrative or poetry—. Works must be sent by email. As for students, there will be prizes from 1st Primary to 4th Secondary. The subject is free and the texts must be written in the Catalan language.

In the adult category, the first prize is €200 and a diploma for each of the modalities, and for the finalists, a book, a diploma and a meal for two in one of the restaurants of the town In the school category, the prize will be a book and a diploma for the winners, and a diploma for the finalist students. There is time to present the works until March 22, 2024, at 7 p.m.

The award ceremony for the school category will take place during the Sant Jordi celebration and that of the adult category, on a date and format yet to be decided.