Sant Joan de les Abadesses is a municipality that is characterized by its important and historic associative fabric with more than 40 entities from different sectors: neighborhood, sports, culture, commerce, education, social, welfare and environmental. Apart from their daily operation, each year these entities carry out many events and activities, some of which bring together hundreds of participants.
The commitment to sustainability launched by the City Council, for more than 15 years, also involves the commitment of local entities. Many of the entities are already implementing measures to improve sustainability, both in their day-to-day life and in the events and activities they carry out.
For this reason, and to enrich the exchange of experiences and proposals, a participatory process has been launched aimed at local entities and facilitated by the CEA Alt Ter association. The beginning of the process was the collection of information about the entities, in order to make a diagnosis of the practices and actions related to the environment and sustainability.
On the left, meeting between CEA Alt Ter and the teaching team of IE Mestre Andreu. On the right, an interview with one of the people in charge of the CPEA
One of the objectives of the process is the preparation of a Manual of Good Environmental Practices (MBPA), which includes the following aspects:
- communication
- purchases
- local
- mobility
- Activities
- Environmental improvement
The MBPA will be presented to the entire population and will be made available to local entities, so that it can be a practical tool and commitment to the environment, both when organizing activities and when developing policies environmental in the municipality. In the coming years, it is envisaged to monitor this process in order to advise and help local entities to implement these good environmental practices.
Working meeting between CEA Alt Ter and Sant Joan de les Abadesses City Council
A leaflet has also been published with a summary of the actions that are proposed to the entities and that are developed in the manual: