The foundations of this bridge date from 1138, when the construction of the Romanesque bridge that gave entrance to the town was finished. Damaged by the earthquake of 1428, it was rebuilt in Gothic style, with a very slender arcade that makes it the brightest Gothic bridge on the peninsula. At the end of the Civil War it was dynamited and in 1976 it was faithfully rebuilt, with the Gothic vault and the small arcades of the Romanesque bridge.

Agenda biblioteca

Saturday 22 de June, 11:00 h
Clausura Exposició "Ecofeminismes avançats: clima, aigua i dona"

Tuesday 25 de June, 00:00 h - Tot el dia
Concurs de literatura infantil i juvenil Cler 2024

Wednesday 26 de June, 17:00 h
Tot Sona! Estimulació musical amb Judit Sabaté

Friday 28 de June, 17:00 h
Club lectura infantil: Lily Mitjalluna

Friday 28 de June, 18:00 h
Papasseit canta

Wednesday 3 de July, 17:30 h
Taller de manualitats per a infants i famílies


Horari / Contacte

Dilluns i dijous
De 10.30 a 14 h
i de 15 h a 19 h.

Dimarts i dimecres i divendres
De 15 a 19 h.

De 10 h a 13 h.


Anna Belén Aviles
T: 972723019
biblioteca [@]