

La Veu is the municipal station of Sant Joan de les Abadesses, with nearly 40 years of broadcasting. Currently, there are 30 collaborators who generate more than three hours a day of their own production. The programming is eminently musical, with a strong commitment to current independent music and also in Catalan on the radio formula and with specialized music programs, although there is also space for municipal news with daily news, sports, the broadcast of municipal meetings, special programs for specific events... It is broadcast on 107.4 FM and on the internet, and all the programming can be heard through mobile devices, on the website of La Veu, and through of the TuneIn platform from any browser.La Veu is one of the stations belonging to La Xarxa.

You can follow the station through social networks:

To contact the broadcaster, you can do so via the telephone numbers 972 720 165 (direct telephone) and 972 720 100, or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 Situació dels estudis de La Veu