The Emma Foundation, located in the municipality of Sant Joan de les Abadesses, offers us a privileged environment. The town is located in the Ripollès region, at about 770 meters above sea level. It occupies the center of a pre-Pyrenean valley, crossed by the river Ter and surrounded by high mountains. A place of exuberant nature, where climate changes manifest themselves in their greatest splendor. The winters are cold, but not excessively so; on the contrary, the summers manifest themselves with a very beneficial temperature and are not hot at all.
History, art and landscape join hands and melt in Sant Joan de les Abadesses. The history of the town is closely linked to the monastery of Sant Joan, which was founded in 887 by the count of Barcelona Guifré el Pelós, who put his daughter Emma at the head of the Benedictine community.
As for the Foundation's headquarters, its location is ideal for healthcare equipment. It is located in the middle of the town, and this enables its residents to take walks around the town or outside the town, in the middle of nature, in other words, it offers a wide range of relationships. The Foundation's building is surrounded by large gardens.
On the website of Sant Joan de les Abadesses you have extensive information about the town www.santjoandelesabadesses.cat