
The location of the town, spread between the southern slopes of Taga and the Serra Cavallera, to the N, and the northern slopes of the Puig Estela mountain range and the Castelltallat hill, to the SE, means that we find green pastures, pine forests, oaks and beeches, and all kinds of unevenness.

You will find all the itineraries here. In terms of associations, the town has the Unió Excursionista de Sant Joan de les Abadesses, which aims to promote the technique and practice of hiking and mountain activities in their diversity, as well as activities cultural, scientific, informative and educational also aimed at the improvement and conservation of nature. In recent years it has also organized several mountain sports races such as the Taga 2040 EVO or the Ultra Trail Emmona. For more information:

The town also has the Alt Ter Environmental Education Center, located in Molí Petit, and from where they organize activities to discover the natural environment and the historical and cultural heritage.
